Who We Are

About the Ranch:

The ranch is located in North West Ohio about 40 minutes west of Toledo, Oh.  The ranch started here in 2014, with the purchase of two cows.  Since then our goal has been to grow our cow herd and raise cattle so that we can provide beef to our customers and community.  Since 2014, the ranch has grown from one location to three and we now have more than two cows. 

Our business has three major avenues that all lead to providing beef to families.  The first is our direct to consumer beef business, whether in whole, half, or split-half shares or in bundles and individual cuts.  The second is our stocker/backgrounding avenue, this is where we take smaller cattle, around 400-500 pounds, and raise them to 700-800 and generally get them started on feed for both our own direct to consumer as well as other operations.  The Third facet of our business is our registered Gelbvieh/balancer cow herd where we raise and sell replacement heifers and bulls for other operations can grow their business with strong genetics that are focused on direct to consumer business. 

Our direct to consumer business is focused on grain finished animals that excel in flavor and eating experience for the customer.  Even with our finished beef is grain finished it doesn’t mean they only get grain in their diet they always have either pasture or hay to consume as much grass as they prefer.  Although not our main focus, we do raise some grass finished beef as well for the customers that prefer grass to grain finished.  Our stocker/backgrounding cattle as well as our cow herd are both grazing forages throughout the year and we usually utilize a managed grazing plan with strip grazing.


Meet Tyler and Amy Keckley.


Tyler is a first generation rancher who after a summer internship in Wyoming on a cattle ranch found a passion for the beef industry and hasn’t looked back since.  Tyler also works as a Financial Officer at our local Farm Credit office where he works with customers to help their families and businesses succeed.

Amy grew up on a corn, soybean, and hog farm and now is a registered nurse where she specializes in the O.B. to help babies and mothers.

We have one boy, Makennon, two girls, Hadley Jo and Alivia Grace.


Meet Kyle and Shelly Borton.


Kyle and Tyler are partnered on our freezer beef side in mid-2020 and this helped us grow from two locations to three which includes Kyle’s home and farm where we finish majority of our cattle for our direct to consumer beef.


Kyle Borton is the second half of our freezer beef business. He and his wife Shelly have three kids; Anderson, Abigail and Arrison. They also have two dogs; Sadie and Carl. Kyle’s love of cattle started at a young age. With his father, uncle and grandfather running the family farm well into the early 2000’s showing cattle and 4H were always a big part of Kyle’s young life. Growing up around cattle with his brother, Owen, always made for tough lessons learned and many great times with family. Having gotten away from the farming industry for many years Kyle sought out an opportunity with Tyler to help with raising cattle for freezer beef. As things started small and have continued to grow each year, there is not any freezer beef that is sold without Kyle having crossed paths with the animal. He prides himself in stockmanship and BQA practices. Currently, Kyle and Shelly work for Wauseon Schools. Shelly is an intervention specialist and Kyle works in the technology department. Prior to technology, Kyle taught eight years as a 4th grade Science and Reading/LA teacher. Whether it is before school at 4:30 in the morning or late at night after a track and field meet, Kyle can be found tending to cattle and making sure all are fed, healthy and happy!